Update 0.1.0

Beginning with this update I fill I have been able to focus more on fixing bugs, improving the flow of battle and creating skills and less on bigger more complex game systems and large (for my scope) development tools to program, which is nice. From now till the end of june that's what I want to focus on to have a more complete slice of the game design so I have a better version of the game to show around.


  • Love State! The slime can now fall in love, midbattle, the same way they can become scared and run away. Being in love makes a slime simply walk close to its crush like a sitting duck waiting to be attacked. I will be tweaking the behavior values and odds of this happening during the next updates.
  • Healthbar Overhaul: aside from looking a little prettier, with the value changes animating instead of snapping, the healthbar also displays the progress of the dash cooldown and the cooldown of the skill closest to being ready.
  • Skill Callouts: when a skill is triggered, its name fades in and out above the slime, making it easier to track what is happening and making the fight more lively and dynamic.


  • The objective generation has been tweaked and rebalenced, the objective offered matches a bit better the difficulty selected, though there's always a bit of wiggle room.
  • The skill tooltip also displays mini panels with the definition for all its comps (the tags, not sure what term to use yet).


  • Fixed some pretty nasty bugs where the game was neither saving what tutorials you had seen already (which is annoying but minor) or what level each skill was in (which is horrendous).
  • Timed skills are now advancing correctly and getting disposed when the time runs out.
  • The skill invulnerability actually makes you invulnerable now.
  • The damage ranking at the end of fights is technically back to displaying things correctly.

Known Bugs:

  • The "dead slimes" UI will sometimes open empty without any of your slimes having died.
  • At certain moments the vertical health ranking is completely empty despite the slimes in battle.
  • The yellow sprite might have a visual bug during the dash animation.
  • The slime sprites overlapping correctly during battle hasn't actually being fixed.
  • Due to collision shenanigans, slimes will sometimes sling to the other side of the screen during fights.

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